
Egg Donation Criteria 

Egg Donation

Egg donation is a remarkable gift that allows women facing infertility to achieve their dream of becoming parents. At Stem&Gene ART Clinic, we adhere to strict criteria to ensure the safety and success of the egg donation process. This article will provide an in-depth look at egg donation, age requirements, health criteria, and legal criteria for egg donors at our clinic.

What is Egg Donation?

Egg donation is a process where a fertile woman donates her eggs to another woman to help her conceive. This procedure is often part of assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). Egg donation is particularly beneficial for women who cannot use their own eggs due to various medical conditions, age-related fertility decline, or genetic concerns.

The Egg Donation Process

The egg donation process involves several steps:

Screening: Potential donors undergo comprehensive medical and psychological screening to ensure they meet all criteria.

Stimulimi i vezoreve: Donors receive hormone injections to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs.

Marrja e vezëve: A minor surgical procedure is performed to collect the eggs from the donor’s ovaries.

Fertilization and Transfer: The eggs are fertilized with the recipient’s partner’s sperm or donor sperm, and the resulting embryos are transferred to the recipient’s uterus.

Age Requirements for Egg Donation

Age is a crucial factor in determining eligibility for egg donation. At Stem&Gene ART Clinic, we have specific age requirements to ensure the quality and viability of the donated eggs.

Ideal Age Range for Egg Donation

Minimum Age: Egg donors must be at least 21 years old. This ensures that the donor is legally an adult and capable of making an informed decision about the donation process.

Maximum Age: The upper age limit for egg donors is typically 35 years old. This age range is chosen because women under 35 generally produce higher quality eggs, which increases the likelihood of successful fertilization and pregnancy.

Why Age Matters for Egg Donation

The age requirements are based on scientific evidence showing that younger women have a greater ovarian reserve and healthier eggs. Younger donors are also less likely to experience age-related fertility issues, making their eggs more suitable for donation.

Health Criteria for Egg Donors

Ensuring the health and well-being of both the donor and the recipient is of utmost importance. Stem&Gene ART Clinic follows stringent health criteria for egg donors to ensure the best outcomes.

Physical Health Requirements for Egg Donation

Overall Health: Donors must be in good overall health with no significant medical conditions that could affect their fertility or the donation process.

BMI: Donors should have a body mass index (BMI) within a healthy range. Extreme underweight or overweight conditions can impact hormone levels and egg quality.

Non-Smoker: Donors must be non-smokers, as smoking can negatively affect egg quality and overall fertility.

No Substance Abuse: Donors must not use recreational drugs or abuse alcohol.

Reproductive Health for Egg Donation

Regular Menstrual Cycles: Donors should have regular menstrual cycles, indicating normal ovarian function.

No History of Genetic Disorders: Donors should have no family history of genetic disorders to minimize the risk of passing on genetic conditions.

Psychological Health

Mental Stability: Donors must undergo psychological evaluation to ensure they are mentally and emotionally prepared for the donation process.

Legal Criteria for Egg Donation

Legal considerations are vital to ensure the egg donation process is ethical and transparent. Stem&Gene ART Clinic adheres to all legal requirements and guidelines to protect both donors and recipients.

By adhering to these criteria, Stem&Gene ART Clinic ensures the highest standards of care and ethical practices in egg donation. Our rigorous selection process helps to maximize the chances of success for recipients while safeguarding the health and well-being of our donors.

If you are considering becoming an egg donor or are interested in egg donation as part of your fertility treatment, contact Stem&Gene ART Clinic today to learn more about our comprehensive and compassionate care approach.

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